Product Maintenance

The Product Maintenance section will enable you to add, edit, and delete products from the MIS. A complete list of all products is displayed. Your Merchant code is displayed as the preamble to the product code. This provides a unique identifier to your product(s).


  • Do not add the 4 digit merchant id when inputting your products, this is done automatically.
  • Do not use blank spaces or special characters for your SKU's, only 0-9, the hyphen, and Aa-Zz.
  • Do not add the "$" character to the price of your product, it will do this automatically. Please note that the descriptions cannot exceed 75 characters.
  • The Price field is for the cost of your products at wholesale. These prices will be used as the declared value for your shipments. If you wish to insure your shipments, this value cannot be 0 and must reflect the item replacement price. Value changes cannot be requested in the note field of orders and will not be honored. Values must also be in place prior to order processing if you intend to utilize declared value and or shipping insurance.
  • The Product Maintenance list shows the product code, description, price, and inventory threshold.

    Inventory Threshold
    The THLD column is the Inventory Threshold quantity. When your inventory for that product gets to this level and below, an automated email is sent to you notifying you of the inventory level. This email is sent every day as a reminder until the quantity has been replenished to a level above the product threshold.

    Adding/Editing a Product
    When adding your SKU's to inventory please stick to alphanumeric characters (Aa-Zz, 0-9) and the hyphen (-). Please avoid using blank spaces and special characters. Your product(s) must be individually labeled with each SKU for pulling orders.

    Select Edit from the product list to edit a product. This menu allows you to change the price and threshold. You cannot change the SKU or description from this menu.

    Uploading a Product File
    There is an option available to upload a product file if you do not choose to enter your SKU's one by one. At the Add a Product screen click the Upload a Product File link. Browse for your file on your local computer. The file must be a tab delimited file (*.txt) in the following format: SKU {TAB} Description {TAB} Price {TAB} InvTHLD. Click the above link for details on uploading your product file.

    Creating a Virtual Product
    WeFulfillIT would like to announce a new ability that will help you to manage you product SKUs more efficiently which in turn will help you promote and up sell your products. The new Virtual Product ability will give you the flexibility to offer limited time specials of buy one get one free, or similar product packs. For more information click here or contact our technical support.

    Deleting a Product
    To remove a product from your active inventory, simply select Delete from the product list. You will be asked to confirm the delete, if eligible. Once confirmed the product will be removed from your active inventory and stored in the Deleted Products section at the main screen. This will give you the opportunity to recover your deleted SKU(s) by clicking the undelete link in the Deleted Products section, available from the main screen. You cannot delete a SKU that is a non-zero quantity, as this may lead to inventory that you are not aware of.
    Note about deleted products: If an item is marked as deleted in your inventory, and this item arrives in an XML order file, it will be removed from the order and you will be notified of this.

    Finding a Product
    Here is a quick tip to find the product you're looking for faster than scrolling down through all of your inventory. You can sort the list by product code or by description, or another method which is available through your Internet browser is the Find on Page feature. This tool can be found under the Edit toolbar menu (between File and View). Simply click Edit, then Find on this Page, enter any part of the SKU or description. If the item is found, the browser will take you directly to the location of the text you keyed in.