Upload a Batch Order

A popular method of getting orders into the WeFulfillIT.com system is by uploading them in a batch file. A batch file is a tab delimited text file (.txt) including a specific range of order details. Tab delimited files are laid out for each order in a horizontal row; the order information is separated by a TAB character. If there is not information for that line item a TAB must still exist.

To send a batch file, select the Transfer Batch option from the main menu in the MIS. Assuming that you have created the batch file in advance and know the location of the file on your system, select the Browse button to search for the file. Once the file is selected and displayed in the Browse text box, click Upload. This will transfer the file to our system. A confirmation email will be sent once the file has parsed verifying the transfer.

The transfers are parsed every five minutes. The confirmation email confirms that the orders are in the system and ready to be shipped. You could also click the "View All Orders" link to see if the orders are within the system. If there is a problem with your batch file contact us immediately and we will work with you to get the issue resolved.

Batch File Layout:

The layout of the file has the the following parameters in order separated by a TAB character:

1. Name - Ship to Name
2. Company - Optional ship to Company
3. Address 1 - First part of the ship to address.
4. Address 2 - Optional. Second part of ship to address
5. City - Ship to city
6. State - Ship to state. (2-digit state code)
7. Zip - Ship to zip code.
8. Country - Ship to country. (Use 2-digit country code)
9. Phone - Customer phone number.
10. FAX - Optional customer FAX
11. Email - Customer Email address.
12. Shipping Method - Enter the shipping method here. If a shipping method is selected that is not offered, there could be a delay in that order. Please note that you may include codes to ensure a recipient signature on your order by appending the shipping method with SIG1 or SIG2. For Example, if you want to send the shipment via UPS Ground with a signature, the shipping method would be, 'UPS Ground SIG1'. SIG1 indicates an adult signature is required for delivery, SIG2 indicates that a signature is required for delivery. The SIG feature is not available with USPS shipments and will vary for international.
13. Sub Total - Order sub total amount.
14. Tax - Order tax amount.
15. Shipping Amount
16. Grand Total
17. Merchant Order Number - Your order number.
NOTE: Make sure your order number is unique for each order. Duplicate orders from the same merchant will not be entered into the system.
18. Product Qty Pre-amble - Total number of distinct products in the order. For instance if the order is for 3 DVD-A's and 1 CD-B, the Product Qty Pre-amble would be 2 since there are 2 distinct products in the order.
19. Product 1 - First Product code in the order
20. Product 1 Quantity - The Quantity of Product 1
21. Product 2 - Second Product code on the order based on the product pre-amble quantity
22. Product 2 Quantity - The quantity of product 2

Note: Batch orders will not accept a duplicate order number. Your duplicate order number can be used in the Enter Order feature but not in a batch file upload. All orders are assigned a unique WeFulfillIT order number for internal reference.

There is no limit to the number of products in a batch order.

The Notes field feature is not available in the batch upload process.

You can view your orders in the MIS by clicking the View All Orders link.

Instructions for Batch and XML Files